Renaming i3 workspaces while keeping navigation prefixes
I navigate my i3 workspaces using named workspaces of the format <number>:<key>
, for example 1:s
The number keeps them in the same order in my workspace-list and the key is what I press to navigate them.
Sometimes I have a lot of windows open on many workspaces and begin to lose track of what's where.
So I want to give workspaces appropriate names when needed while keeping the <number>:<key>
prefix for navigation.
Out of the box the renaming in i3 isn't as convenient as I'd like, so I wrote this small Python script using i3ipc-python and added bindsym Mod4+q exec "python ~/.i3/"
to my config.
This increases my productivity by at least .7% đ
New Year's Update:
Keep in mind to use workspace number
instead of just workspace
when moving between workspaces.
Using strip_workspace_numbers yes
in the i3bar removes the <number>:
prefix and looks better.
bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1:chat bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 1:chat bindsym $mod+q exec "python ~/.i3/" bar { strip_workspace_numbers yes status_command python ~/.i3/ }